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How to start lifting weights after age 40 – and how to fit it into your busy schedule

Women Lifting weights after

Embarking on a weight training journey after 40 can seem like a challenge, but it's an exciting path to improved strength, health, and vitality. With the right approach and mindset, you'll find it both rewarding and doable. Here's a detailed guide to help you dive in, combining a conversational tone with practical advice and detailed scenarios to ensure your success. 

Today, we'll explore the initial considerations before diving in, various scenarios to get started based on your unique lifestyle, and what to realistically expect as you begin. 

Before you start weight training consider these:

1. What is your goal

Identifying your goal with weight training is the first step. Whether you aim to maintain muscle, grow a bit of muscle, or transform your body, understanding your goal will guide your approach. 

2. What's your current health and fitness? Any injuries?

By this age, you’ve likely had some injuries and wear and tear on your body. Your physical condition, including any injuries, health issues, or fitness level, will influence your training plan. It's essential to account for these factors to tailor a program that's both effective and safe.

3. Where do you want to train?

Are you going to lift weights at home or at a gym? Over 90% of my clients start lifting at home. It has a lot of benefits.

Whether you have access to a gym or plan to work out at home, your environment will shape your routine. 

How to start lifting weights after 40

4. How much time do you have for weight training?

Be realistic about how much time you can dedicate to training. It's better to start with a manageable schedule than to aim too high and feel discouraged. 

How to Fit Weight Training Into Your Weekly Routine 


There are various ways to integrate weight training into your life, no matter your existing commitments or preferences: 

  • If You Love Cardio: For those who can't imagine giving up their cardio sessions, adding a quick weight training session beforehand is a great strategy. Even something as simple as alternating between an upper body and a lower body exercise can make a difference. 

  • For Those With Limited Time: If your schedule is packed, a concise 30-minute weight training session twice a week can still offer benefits. It's all about making the most of the time you have. 

  • You’re ready to go full-speed ahead: If time is not an issue for you, then I recommend you start with 45-60minute sessions 2-4 times per week.  


Setting Realistic Expectations 

When you start weight training, it's essential to have realistic expectations: 

  • It May Feel Easy at First: Initially, weight training won't feel as intense as other forms of exercise you're used to. This period is about learning the movements and gradually increasing your strength. 

  • Expect Progress: You'll likely see quick improvements in the beginning as your body adapts to the new routine. Embrace this progress and use it to motivate you further. 

  • Be Patient: Building muscle takes time and effort. While immediate results might not be visible, the long-term benefits of improved strength, mobility, and body composition are worth the wait. 


Choose a Program & Get Started 

Once you have answered the above questions, you’re ready to find yourself a program and get started.  

A program is the set of exercises that you’ll do each week. The program should be designed to fit your goals, health and fitness status, your time, and, of course, your equipment (dumbbells at home or full commercial gym).  

Ideally, you’ll follow that program for at least 10-12 weeks, and then gradually start swapping some exercises to offer you a bit of variety. 

For those looking for guidance, I offer self-study courses that cater to various schedules, including a two-day-a-week option. It's a comprehensive way to get started, complete with instructional videos and essential tips for success in the weight room. - Start lifting weights after age 40


The key to starting weight training after 40 is to begin. Regardless of your current fitness level or time constraints, there's a way to make it work for you. As you progress, you'll find that weight training not only transforms your body but also enhances your overall well-being. 



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Coach Lynn Sederlöf-Airisto

Certified Menopause Fitness coach

About the Author

Noticing unwanted changes in your body in midlife and not sure what to do about it? I get it & can help!


I'm a 52-year-old Certified Menopause Fitness Coach who has been there and turned things around by re-vamping my fitness habits, and now I am helping other women do the same.


Weight training is the key to keeping your body strong & capable - so let's get you started: I offer online self-study courses, group programs, and 1-to-1 coaching.  You can also learn a lot from my podcast 40+ Fitness for Women. Welcome to my world!

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