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Women Lifting weights after

Is sleep sacred to you?

It is to me. It is so important to me that I’ve become a little obsessed with it.

I have done a sleep course, I’ve read books about sleep and listened to Ted Talks and podcasts on sleep. I have tracked my sleep using Oura Ring since 2018 and been optimizing it ever since.

I’ve even gone so far as to include good sleep as a criterion for a life partner for me – as a single woman I wanted to find a guy I could sleep well with (update: I did!).

Perimenopause really screwed with my sleep, and given how critical a good night’s sleep is to being able to function while you’re awake, I got even more interested in good sleep habits.

As you can imagine, over time I’ve learned a trick or two about how to get better sleep, and I wanted to share them with you in case you’re struggling with sleep issues:

Daily Habits that promote better sleep

  1. Keeping a regular sleep schedule: getting to bed and waking up at about the same time each day. Yes, I mess it up on weekends when I go out with my friends on Saturday nights, but the rest of the time, I am pretty good.

  2. Avoid heavy meals before bed: While meals close to bedtime don't affect your ability to fall asleep, they do affect how well your body recovers during sleep.

  3. No glass of wine to unwind after work: because alcohol affects your precious deep sleep which is when your body repairs itself, builds muscle, consolidates memories, and flushes out harmful waste products.

  4. No caffeine after 3 PM: seriously. I know a ton of people who say it does not affect them, but how many of them don’t use some sleep aids?

  5. No screens before bed: I know, I know. Everyone hates this one. But at least skip the work emails and news and opt for some light comedy (my current favorite is Friends).


Workouts affect your sleep:


  1. No high-intensity workouts after 6 PM: Those hard workouts can really do a number on your ability to wind down before bed. So HIIT and SIT workouts should be scheduled earlier in the day. I do lift weights in the evening, but I incorporate breathing exercises into my cool-down.

  2. Breathing exercises after workout: If you do an afternoon (or evening) workout, doing box breathing or 2 counts in + 4 counts out breathing brings your body out of fight-or-flight mode. And if you can do this lying down (like savasana in yoga). And this is a great practice also after a morning workout so you don't 'crash' a couple hours later.

Start weight training at home

Pills that can help to sleep better in menopause

  1. Hormone Replacement Therapy: I have gotten a lot of relief from my menopause symptoms with HTR. Of course, it’s not for everyone, but if you’re curious, I encourage you to talk to a doctor who specializes in menopause (note: not all gynecologists do!!).

  2. Magnesium: I originally started taking magnesium for muscle cramps, but it also helps with sleep better in menopause so take it just before bed.

  3. Melatonin: Works for some, not for others. For me, it lets me fall asleep. Before melatonin, I would just lie awake for hours - waiting for sleep to come.




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Coach Lynn Sederlöf-Airisto

Certified Menopause Fitness coach

About the Author

Noticing unwanted changes in your body in midlife and not sure what to do about it? I get it & can help!


I'm a 52-year-old Certified Menopause Fitness Coach who has been there and turned things around by re-vamping my fitness habits, and now I am helping other women do the same.


Weight training is the key to keeping your body strong & capable - so let's get you started: I offer online self-study courses, group programs, and 1-to-1 coaching.  You can also learn a lot from my podcast 40+ Fitness for Women. Welcome to my world!

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